Intro: Reduce your work by involving your Team in Smartplan

In this article we will look at what kind of user roles exist in Smartplan and what a powerful difference it can make to interact with your staff through Smartplan.
What would a rota be without employees? The same goes for the Smartplan system. Creating and activating your users is essential for being able to fully collaborate within your Smartplan account. And this interactive aspect of Smartplan is where the actual saving of time and energy for you lies. By leaving some of the decisions and administrative work up to the employees, you can reduce your own workload significantly.
If you want to learn more in depth about the options that your employees have in Smartplan, click here.
Creating user profiles in Smartplan is very simple. It can be done via the rota tool or via the “Employees” page. As long as the user is not invited to Smartplan or hasn’t activated his/her user profile yet, the person has no way of accessing your Smartplan account. You can still schedule shifts for the user, but the person will have no way of being informed about them, apart from if you would forward it as a screenshot or paper printout. That’s why, to be able to use the system to it’s full potential, we advise you to invite your employees to Smartplan.

User types in Smartplan

There are four different types of users in Smartplan, each with a different set of rights within the account.

The account owner is the one person with complete control of the account. He/she can access everything (except private messages) and is the only one who can change the subscription or delete the account. Typically, the account owner is the one who created the account to begin with, but he/she can also transfer the ownership to another user on the account.
One level below the account owner we have the administrators. They have pretty much the same authorization as the account owner, except for when it comes to the deletion of the account or changing the subscription and the payment details. Regular users can be appointed as admins in the settings, either by the account owner or a fellow admin.

Next, we have the superusers. This user role is only available if you have turned on the location division on your account. When a user has been assigned to a certain location, you can then decide to make that person a superuser on that location. That means that the person will have special permissions or access to certain areas of the account, for example to manage absences or plan rotas. But these permissions are strictly limited to the assigned location. They do not have access to the account settings.

Finally, there are regular users. These have access to a lot less than admins. What exactly, depends to a certain degree on the chosen settings for the account. All regular users have generally no access to “Hours & Salary” as well as the Smartplan settings. On the other hand, they do have general access to the “Rotas” page, but here they can only view rotas that are published. If you have set up a strict location division, they can only view the published rotas of the locations that they are assigned to.
The visibility of the absence calendar, the holiday account, the time balance and colleagues’ absences and contact information are dependent on the settings. You can even decide on whether employees are allowed to swap shifts and edit their attendance on their own or whether this needs admin approval.

Manage your staff from the “Employees” page

All the users of the Smartplan account, including you, are listed on the “Employees" page. On top of the page, you will receive general information about how much of your user limit is used so far and how many users are to be invited or activated.


Further down is the user list. It gives you a quick overview on the most important information, such as job position(s) and contact data. If there are many users created on the account, you can use the search function or filter functions for a better overview.
Simple user list in Smartplan
If you want to customize your view a bit more, you can switch to the detailed list. Here you can decide on the arrangement of the columns and add new columns with custom information. Here you can also make edits in bulk, by selecting several employees at once.
Detailed user list in Smartplan
Finally, it is worth mentioning that by clicking on any name in the list you as an admin can access their user profiles as well. Which means that you are able to see everything that your employees are seeing, when they enter their own profiles. The user profiles give you information about the user’s shifts, shift swaps, approved/requested absences and working hours. This is how it looks:
Alex' attendance protocol
Now you are fully ready to invite and manage your staff in Smartplan! If you still have any doubt, spend some time on reading up on other manuals in this manual collection or get in touch with our Customer Support Team.
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