Delete an employee

It is not complicated to remove an employee from your Smartplan account. When you are on the homepage you should click on the menu item “Employees”.

Then find the employee on the list you wish to delete from the account and click on the employee’s name.

Once you are on his/her profile, you should select “Delete employee”.

Now, a small window will open. There will be a scroll-down menu, where you can choose what should happen with the employee’s future shifts.

Should they be deleted from the rota? Put available? Or maybe handed over to another employee?

The menu looks like this:

In this example, we will hand over the shifts to another employee.

Please note: If your account is set up with a location division, you will only be able to hand over the shifts to another employee, if that person is a member of the same location(s) as the person to be deleted. If you can not choose the wanted person from the list, please go to the Location Settings, add the person to the missing location(s) first and then retry.

In this example, Mia will take over. After choosing what should happen with the shifts, select “Delete employee” in the open window.

The user will now be deleted and he/she will no longer have access to the Smartplan account.

The employee’s former shifts will not be deleted. You can always see them in the menu item "Hours & Salary" as the other employees’ hours.

You can also see old messages from the employee in the menu tab "Messages" and registered holidays and absences in the absence calendar.

Please note: The Time Balances of deleted users do not remain, but will be deleted. We therefore advise you to carry out an Excel hour export before deleting the user profile, as your staff's Time Balances are being listed there.

You can choose to anonymize your deleted employees after a certain period of time. If you choose to anonymize deleted employees, you can be sure you are not storing data that you are not supposed to store according to GDPR and internal regulations in your company. More about that in this article.

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