Edit an employee

If you as an administrator have to edit an employees' profile, you can do it by clicking on "Employees". The employee himself can do it through "Me".

A user profile contains a number of default informations and, based on the setup of your account, some optional information fields. This is what a profile could look like:

Both administrators and employees can edit first name, last name and the phone number.

The profile picture can only be added and edited by the user himself.

The email address is initially entered by an admin, but after the user has been activated, only the user itself can make changes to it. The reason for this is that the email address is connected to login. So if anybody else changes the email address there is a chance that the employee can not log in. If an employee has to change their email address but can not log in to do it, they can always contact Smartplan Support for help.

It is usually only the admins that can allocate and change the job positions of an employee. However, in the account settings under "Positions" it can be specified, that employees should also have the right to edit their own job positions.

If the location division is enabled for the account, the user's allocations to certain locations will be listed in the profile, as well as his or her potential superuser rights. All those settings can only be edited by an admin.

Finally, the profile will also contain a section regarding extra information. That could be the personal salary information of the user and/or custom fields that were added to the account. The salary information can only be edited by the admins. But whether or not the custom fields are visible and changeable for the users, depends on the chosen settings.

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