Anonymize deleted employees

In this article, we will go through how you can anonymize your deleted employees in Smartplan.

You can read about:

When you delete an employee in Smartplan, you have to choose how the employee's future shifts should be handled. More about that in this article: How to delete an employee.

The employee's attended shifts will still be visible in your rotas and in Hours & Salary. The same is the case for absences - they will also still be visible. Deleted employees' names will also still appear on the account. However, you can choose to anonymize these after a certain amount of years or immediately. Let's take a look at this.

Activate anonymization

When a deleted employee is anonymized on your account, their name will be removed and the same goes for descriptions of their absences. But you will still be able to view attended shifts and absences.

If you want to anonymize your deleted employees, you can activate the feature by going to "Settings" -> "Smartplan Settings" -> "Data & privacy". Simply add a checkmark next to 'I want Smartplan to anonymize my deleted employees after':

Note: The anonymization will only take place at night. This means that the employees might not be anonymized in the moment you activate the feature. Instead the anonymization will take place the following night, in case the chosen amount of years have been exceeded.

Your employees will be anonymized after the time period you have chosen (1-10 years). But sometimes you would maybe like to anonymize an employee immediately instead. In this case, you can simply click on "Anonymize now" next to the employee's name in the list:

How anonymized employees will appear

Once you have anonymized an employee, he or she will no longer appear in the list in the settings. The employee's name will also be deleted in "Hours & Salary". This means that when you make a look-up for a period in which the employee has attended shift, he or she will now appear as 'Anonymous Employee' followed by a number:

As always, you can click on an employee to view attended shifts and absences. The only thing that has changed is that the employee's name no longer appears in the list.

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