How to request absence

In this article, you can read about how to request absences:

How to request absence through your own profile

You can request absences in the profile page of your Smartplan account. This is possible when you log into your Smartplan account through the web-app in any given browser or by logging into the Smartplan app on your phone.

Absence requests through the profile in the app

  1. Open your Smartplan app and click on "Me"
  2. Next, click on the tab "Absence"
  3. Then you can click on "Add Absence"

You will now get to a page where you have to fill out information about your absence.

Choose a start and end date for your absence. If you select a single day you have the option of selection a precise hourly interval - just remove the checkmark from "All-day event".

Remember to choose an absence type. When you have filled out the information about your absence you can click on "Submit absence for approval".

Your request will now appear in the absence tab. Here you can also see if your request has been approved.

If an administrator approves your request it will appear in the absence tab under "Approved absence".

Absence requests through the profile in the browser web-app

Now, let us take a look at how you request absence through the browser.

Open Smartplan in your browser and click on "Me":

Choose the "Absence" tab followed by "Add Absence":

You will now be asked to fill out information about your absence. Click on 'Choose specific period' to determine the dates for the absence.

When you click on 'Choose specific period' a date picker will appear, in which you can choose the period for your absence - for example February 23rd to 26th. It is also possible to add a precise hourly interval for your absence when you request it from your computer/tablet. In that case just remove the checkmark from "All-day event".

You also have to choose an absence type. It may be that your account admin has activated the holiday account for you. If so, you will be able to see the sum of how many days of that absence type were already taken and planned this year in comparison to the limit that was set for you. Your holiday account will update itself based on the period you choose to make sure that you will not exceed your limit:

When you are done, click on "Submit absence for approval" to hand in the request.

You will now be directed back to the "Absence" tab and you can see that your request has been submitted for approval.

When your request has been approved it will appear under "Approved absence".

How to request absences through the absence calendar

The Smartplan absence calendar is usually not a feature that regular users have access to. However, the admins can choose in the account settings, that all users should have access to the absence calendar. Here you will get an overview of all your approved absences and (if the privacy settings of the Smartplan account allow it) the approved absences of your colleagues as well. In addition, you can submit absence requests through the absence calendar, if you like.

Absence requests through the absence calendar in the browser web-app

To hand in an absence request in the absence calendar, follow these steps:

In the main menu of your account, click on the tab “Absence”.

Here you can add a new absence request by hitting the "+ Add absence" button or by clicking directly on the preferred day in the calendar:

Now a new window opens, where you can enter the same absence details as usual:

Choose a start and end date for your absence. If you select a single day you have the option of selection a precise hourly interval - just remove the checkmark from "All-day event".

Remember to choose an absence type as well. It may be that your account admin has activated the holiday account for you. If so, you will be able to see the sum of how many days of that absence type were already taken and planned this year in comparison to the limit that was set for you. Your holiday account will update itself based on the period you choose to make sure that you will not exceed your limit:

When you have filled out the information about your absence you can click on "Submit absence for approval".

Your request will now already appear in the absence calendar, but marked with a bell symbol to show, that it has not yet been approved:

As soon as your request has been approved by an admin, it will be displayed with your personal distinctive color:

Of course, your requested or approved absence will be visible in the "Absence" tab of your profile as well.

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