Adding extra information to employee profiles

When setting up user profiles in Smartplan, you have the option to fill in various predefined details such as first name, last name, email, phone number, and job position(s). However, you might want to register additional information for the person. By adding custom information fields, you have the opportunity to gather all relevant information about a person in one place and decide who in the company has the right to access said information.

Adding additional information fields

To add new fields to the employee profiles, go to "Settings" > "Smartplan Settings" > "Employee info". Depending on your needs, you can add as many different fields as you like:

Each time you set up a new information field, you need to configure the following settings:

  • Field Name (What it's all about)
  • Type of information (Text, date, or file)
  • Visibility (Who is allowed to view the field? All users on the account, admins and the respective employee, or admins only?)
  • Permissions (Who is allowed to adjust the contents of the field? Admins and the respective employee, or admins only?)

Example: If you would like to register the t-shirt sizes and employment contracts of your employees in their profiles, a possible setup could look like this:

Edit profile information

Once you have set up the desired fields to the employee profiles, you can begin to fill them out. Go to "Employees" and search for the person whose information you want to edit.

You can either click on "Edit" on the right side (the most convenient way) or click on the name to open the profile:

In the employee profile, find the tab called "Information & Documents". This section lists all the additional information about a person. If you want to fill out or edit information on the user's profile, simply click on "Edit extra Information", or "Add File" to upload new documents, respectively:

Edit profiles in bulk

If certain details are the same for several employees, you don't necessarily have to add them individually to each and every profile. In these cases there is a simpler solution. In "Employees", switch to the detailed view and you are presented with all the additional information of your staff members, each in their own column. Please note, that salary information is not listed here.

The next step is to select the people whose information you want to fill in. Then click on "Edit selected employees" at the top of the table:

You can now select the information field that you want to edit for the chosen people and specify the new content of the field.

Please note that you can only edit text and date fields in this way. Documents must still be added in the individual profiles.

Export profile information to Excel

If necessary, you can export the profile information of your staff, including the custom information fields, into an Excel file. To achieve this, go to the "Employees" page and select the detailed overview here. Please note that salary information will not appear here and therefore is also not a part of the export.

Now click on the button "Export to Excel" at the top of the table:

If you only want to export the information of a few selected people, mark them to the left of the table before performing the export.

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