
There are different ways in which you can save time during planning. In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can copy:

No matter what you wish to copy, the icon is always the same. This is the icon we will be using:

Copy a time span

If your shifts are placed in the same period of time on several days you can save a lot of work by simply copying the period. In this rota I have created a period of time from 8am - 4pm on Monday:

Let us say you want to create the same period on Friday. If you place the mouse on “08:00 - 16:00”, two different icons will appear:

You can probably recognize the icon to the right, as this is our “copy” icon. When you click on this you will pick up the period and then you can choose when you wish to copy to:

When you place the mouse on Friday, the day will be highlighted with the blue color ur and you can simply click on the field to copy the period.

If you only wish to copy the period to Friday, you are now done using it. You have three options to stop copying. You can click on “esc” on your keyboard, click on the day from which you picked up the period, or you can click on “Let go of element”:

Now, you should be able to copy a period of time so let us move on to how you can copy an entire day.

Copy a day

It might be relevant for you to copy an entire day if several of your days should contain the same shifts.

I have now created two different periods of time on Monday: 

If you wish to copy all of these shifts to another day you can choose to copy the entire day. Simply place the mouse on “Monday” and the “copy” icon will appear once again:

When you click on the icon the entire day will be picked up and you can just click on the day you wish to copy the shifts to:

After you have copied the shifts you can stop copying in three different ways once again. You can click on “esc” on your keyboard, click on Monday which is the day you have copied from and finally, you can click on “Let go of element”:

Now, you should know how to copy an entire day so let us move on to a week.

Copy a week

If your shifts are repeated from one week to another, it is also possible to copy an entire week. Beneath, I have created all shifts in week 40:

Let us say you want to create the same shifts in week 41. Simply click on “Copy week” and then you will not have to type in all of the shifts once again:

As soon as you have clicked on “Copy week” you can scroll down to week 41 and click within the blue field:

When you are done copying the week, it is possible to stop copying by either clicking on “esc” on your keyboard or on the week, from which you have copied the shifts:

Now, you should be on top of how to copy different kinds of shifts. So, let us go through how you can easily staff the shifts.

Staff your shifts

If you create a lot of available shifts it is not necessary to enter each shift to staff them. Instead, it is also possible to copy your employees. Let us find a rota which is filled with shifts:

To the right of the schedule you can highlight a specific employee. Here I have chosen Susan:

When you have highlighted an employee all the shifts, which the employee can take, will be highligthed. Susan has the position “Bartender” and "Waiter" and therefore, these shifts are highlighted. Furthermore, you can see how many hours the employee is scheduled to work - both overall and divided on different weeks. Finally, you can also click on “copy”:

As soon as you have clicked on the “copy” icon you can put the employee on shifts in the rota by simply clicking on them. Here I have put Susan on a shift Monday and Wednesday, and I am about to give her a shift on Friday:

When I gave Susan a shift Monday and Wednesday, these days became red. This is because Susan now already has a shift in this period of time.

When you are done giving the employee shifts it is possible to stop copying by clicking on “esc” on your keyboard, clicking on the “copy” icon again or clicking on “Let go of element”:

Did you not find the answer you were looking for? And are you instead wondering how you can reuse your rotas in new time periods? If that is the case, you can use our template feature.

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