How you view your employees' time recordings

In this article you can learn more about:

How to view your employees' time recordings in the menu item "Smartplan Time"

In the menu item "Smartplan Time", you can get an overview of the time recordings, your employees have created through the punch clock today. This means that if you for example check at 01:00, you will only see shifts that have started have midnight. However, you can also click on "Show yesterday's shifts" under each location and then you will be shown the shifts from the day before. You can therefore benefit from using this menu item, if you want to see who is currently working:

The two recordings on the image above are different, because one is purple and one is white. As long as the recording is white, the employee has not yet clocked out. Once it turns purple, the shift has ended and the employee has clocked out.

In the top right corner, you can choose if you want to see ended shifts. If you remove the check mark, you will only see shifts that are currently going on. This means that you can quickly get an overview of who is currently at work:

On each time recording, you can see when the employee has clocked in and out, whether they had a break (the coffee pot), and if a comment has been added to the shift (the speech bubble).

If you need to approve or edit attendance, you simply click on the gear-icon on the shift:

If you choose to edit the attendance, a box will appear in which you can make changes to the employee's time recording. It is the same box as you also know from "Hours & Salary". More about that here.

How to get an overview of time recordings via Hours & Salary

You can also get an overview of your employees time recordings through "Hours & Salary". This can be relevant, if you need to check recordings that aren't from today. Simple go to "Hours & Salary":

Before you can view the time recordings, you have to define the period you want an overview of:

When you have defined the period, you will get an overview of the employees who have had shifts during this period and their hours.

The hours are separated into two columns: "Planned hours in rota" and "Hours after changes":

The column "Planned hours in rota" refers to how the hours were according to the rota.

The column "Hours after changes" refers to the hours that the employee actually ended up working. Their time recordings will also be reflected here. If no changes to the attendance or punch clock activities have been registered, this column will simply show the same data as "Planned hours in rota".

In order to get an overview of an employees time recordings, click on the name of the employee on the list. The shifts will now get listed chronologically:

Any punch clock activities are always transferred directly into "Hours & Salary". They will be visible in the column "Hours after changes".

If we look at the example above we can see Anna's attendance. According to the schedule her shift on November 11th was from 08:00 to 16:00.

However, when we look at the column "Hours after changes" we can see that she clocked in at 08:00 and clocked out at 20:04.

If the employee had a break during the shift this will also be visible on the specific entry.

In this article, you can read more about how you correct an employee's attendance.

How to view your employees' time recordings in the punch clock

Finally, you can always see which of your employees clocked in and out at a specific time in the punch clock. This could be relevant for you, if you do not have a computer nearby, but you do have the device the employees use to clock in and out. Here you will also get a chronological overview of all of today's activities in the punch clock.

First, go to "Settings" in the main menu and choose "Punch clock and time recording".

Click on "Open punch clock". Then you will get a 6-digit password and a link you have to use to open the punch clock.

Now you are in the punch clock. On the right side of the screen you get an overview of the employees' punch clock activities under "Today's activity":

This makes it possible for you to get an overview of when your employees have clocked in and out.

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